Case 3 : Buy 2 any items on Collection A get 50% discount off on any item on Collection B

How to set up in Step 3 Conditions

  1. Click + Add another Set

  2. Click [Choose Collection] and select the product required to add in the cart. In this case, we select “Collection A”.

  3. In the [Minimum quantity to activate the discount] column, fill in “2” as the minimum qty required to trigger the discount.

  4. Choose [One of the Set(s) above must be in the cart to trigger the discount]

  5. In THE DISCOUNT OFFER IS ACTIVED IF, choose [Meet ONE of the Condition(s) above]

How to set up in Step 4 Offer

  1. Choose [Percentage Discount] and fill in “50” to get 50% off of the offer item.

  2. In OFFER ITEMS section, click [Other sets of products]

  3. Click [Choose Collections] and select the product required to add in the cart. In this case, we select “Collection B”.

  4. In the [The products below will get discount when added to cart with this quantity] column, fill in “1”.

How to set up in Step 5 Max Times Of Discount

Select [Unlimited] if you want the discount to keep applying or [Limited] to apply only a certain of times.

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